
(5 customer reviews)

About me:
Currently coaching the 3rd best team in Europe, Top Blokes and as a result, won 2020 RLEsports Subreddit coach of the year. I have significant experience in different levels of coaching in different areas: coaching basketball at a high school level, music tuition to a variety of levels, and of course in Rocket League, coaching almost every rank and level, from academy teams, to RLRS, to the very top of RLCS at the championships. If you’re looking for a coach who has the experience and knowledge to help you step up your game and pursue something serious within Rocket League, I’m your guy!

Team Experience:

  • Team Secret (RLRS Season 2+3)
  • Red Reserve/Triple Trouble (RLCS promotion tournament and off-season)
  • The Bricks (RLCS Season 7)
  • Team Envy (Gfinity Elite Series Season 4)
  • Triple Trouble/Method (RLRS Season 8/9)
  • Top Blokes (RLCS X and current)

What’s included in your team session:

1 to 1 sesssions will be used to help identify some current habits/issues you have in and out of the game, we will look at it in detail and I will try to mirror these issues and show you the perspective of how to improve it. We will then look at different approaches and methods to improve in your current rank, and how to progress further. If you purchase a 2 hour session, often I will suggest to seperate that into two different sessions, one initially and the 2nd as a follow up to further improve yourself over the course of a few weeks. I’ll try to ensure after every session, you can have 3-4 different aspects surrounding your gameplay that you can focus on and improve upon.

Hope we can work together soon, and if you don’t want to take my word for it, I’ll leave some player quotes below regarding my coaching!

Useful links:

Rocket League Tracker Profile

Twitter Profile

Featured reviews:

“What I particularly like about RamS’ coaching, is how much detail and effort is put in for his analysis. It’s clear he puts in so much work and is able to find the root cause of a issues in replays. It helps me clearly see where an issue may be and provides potential solutions for us to fix it”

– Francesco kuxir97′ Cinquemani (The Bricks)

“RamS worked with us for the best part of a year, and throughout that he worked with us an analyst to help improve our play both individually and as a team. Once we began, it was soon hard not to appreciate how valuable as an outside and non-bias opinion was when it came to finding areas where we could improve. In particular, RamS was very thorough in his work, watching countless replays and noting the cause of every goal, giving us a concise flashback of every series or scrim we played, as well as a guide on what we did well, and where we could improve.”

– Stephen ‘Tylacto’ Griffin (Team Secret)

“I worked with RamS for a brief time while I was trying out with Team Secret at Dreamhack Leipzig before joining Team Envy. RamS’ analysis was very clear and helpful. When I read his analysis, it’s like everything I see happening in the game, but I’m unable to put into words myself, is there.”

– Jordan ‘Eyeignite’ Stellon (Currently TSM)

“In the short time we’ve worked with RamS he has been a pleasure to have around both as an analyst and a friend. His knowledge of the professional Rocket League scene and its players, especially for the European side of things, is incredible and only contributes more to his analytical knowledge. RamS’ understanding of the balance of both in game and out of game factors in contributing to results is unmatched, and often in his time with us he made a point of not understating the difference that both mindset and lifestyle can make to a team within Rocket League’s highest tier. RamS immediately improved the way we look at our careers both as individuals and as a team, and within a short space of time can have a huge impact with any willing roster or organization”

 – Euan ‘Tadpole’ Ingram (Triple Trouble)


PS Controller





Playlist Strengths

3v3 Standard

Coaching Experience

1000 – 1499 Hours

Hours Played



PC, PlayStation

5 reviews for RamS

  1. Cian O’Regan (verified owner)

    Useful and precise tips. Put in extra effort to help me out and overall it was a great experience.

  2. Martin Erenstedt (verified owner)

    Gave extra care and went above and beyond to not leave me confused with the tips we went through. Really adapted to my needs during our session which was really appreciated. I got some really good insight and useful tips for what to work on going forward, so i definitely recommend rams to anyone who wants to up their game no matter the rank!

  3. Mathias Gundersen (verified owner)

    I am a grand champion player around 16-1700 MMR in 3s, and I am looking to improve even higher, and therefore I went looking for a coach. RamS immediately struck my eye on this website, as a highly experienced coach, working with top-tier players on a daily basis, and I thought it would be worth a try to ask him to help me get to the next level.
    After my one hour session with RamS, I really feel I have gotten a lof of new insight on the game, and more importantly I am able to view and think about the game in a different way. We had a lot of good discussions about different problems I may have been feeling, and it was immediately clear that his intention is all on you improving, which gives a lot of comfort and trust in the things he said. Overall great analysis, even greater talks and I would be very happy to sign another session again in the near future!
    – Dr. Boom

  4. Sampson DiLeo (verified owner)

    Coming from the perspective of a long-time competitive gamer, sometimes it can be really difficult to isolate what you need to work on to take your game to the next level. Within 10 minutes of our first session, RamS was already breaking down my bad habits and making recommendations on how to train myself out of them, as well as showing me how recognize the situations causing them before they arise. Teetering around at Champ 2/low Champ 3 has been super daunting, but with his coaching and guidance I feel like I am going to have a significantly easier time progressing, and now definitely understand high-level gameplay in a deeper manner. Would recommend him a thousand times over, and can’t wait for our next session!

  5. Mckinsey Kyle Burnett (verified owner)

    RamS was very intuitive on my replays that he viewed, offered me great advice on areas that I could improve on, as well as things that I already have a great start on! I would highly recommend RamS to anyone that is wanting to bring their game to the next level, or reach that “goal” you have been after in RL!


Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.

Monday 12:00pm – 4:00pm
8:00pm – 10:00pm
Tuesday 12:00pm – 4:00pm
8:00pm – 10:00pm
Wednesday 12:00pm – 4:00pm
8:00pm – 10:00pm
Thursday 12:00pm – 4:00pm
8:00pm – 10:00pm
Friday 12:00pm – 4:00pm
8:00pm – 10:00pm
Saturday 12:00pm – 4:00pm
8:00pm – 11:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm – 11:00pm

Timezone:  BST (GMT+0)

Have a question?

If you want to have a chat before placing an order just message me on Discord: RamS#3437


Starting at $40

Metafy is a gaming coaching platform and community, similar to GamersRdy but 1000 times better.

Yes, certainly. You can find my profile following the link above. If you can’t find me then there are other coaches available!

GamersRdy will continue to exist for now but all coaches are moving over to joining the Metafy community.

You can message for support on Metafy Discord.





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