Fortnite’s sixth season of Chapter 2 just came out this Tuesday and the whole game was flipped upside down. Whether that is for the better or worse, that’s for you to decide.
What I can say for sure is that you will have to adjust your gameplay from both a casual and competitive viewpoint by the time events start rolling around again—which is slated to start in a few short weeks.
Let’s catch you up to speed with everything you need to know about Fortnite Season 6 “Primal” from a competitive lens.
Key Map Changes
The map was left completely disconfigured following the events that took place at the Zero Point.
Here’s a brief look at the new map
Season 6 Map With Names! (via @VastBlastt)
— HYPEX (@HYPEX) March 16, 2021
You’re going to want to explore all of these new locations based around the centre of the map to understand how they can incorporate into your potential loot paths. Perhaps you’ll find a drop spot ripe for the picking?
Overall, though, the new season didn’t sport any new mechanical changes like swimming or sand dune riding we saw in previous seasons.
Loot Pool
The loot pool changes were quite severe. These are the changes you should be paying attention to most if you plan on competing at the highest level.
The entire shotgun meta—perhaps the most important gun type in Fortnite—sports an entirely new lineup:
New Weapons & Maybe Pickaxes!
— HYPEX (@HYPEX) March 16, 2021
While the weapons may look completely different, the meta isn’t changing to anything you haven’t seen already. High-tier pump shotguns will still be accessible, only now you’ll have to craft your way to one instead.
Your inventory menu now sports a crafting menu where you can upgrade shotguns after picking up mechanical parts from metal scraps.
A new consideration for crafting upgrades will be landing at a drop-spot rich with metal vehicles and objects that will drop mechanical parts.
Arena Breakdown
Fortnite previously announced they would not be instantly resetting Arena points as they have done in previous seasons. Instead, they are opting for a “Fortnite preseason” of sorts, just like the actual sports leagues.
In this transitory period, Arena points will carry over from the last period until the Fortnite Championship Series inches its way closer and closer. In a few weeks, Arena points will be completely reset and you will have to work your way up to champs in a shorter period to be eligible for FNCS competition.
With this in mind, you’ll have to be on your A-game by the time Arena points reset. If you want to learn how to become a master-level Fortnite competitor, consider booking a coaching session with GamersRdy.
Best of luck this season!