Language | English, German |
Location | Europe |
Playlist Strengths | 1v1 Duel, 2v2 Doubles, 3v3 Standard, Dropshot, Hoops, Rumble, Snow Day |
Coach Rank | Top 1000, Supersonic Legend |
Hours Played | 5000+ |
Platform | PC, PlayStation |
Session Duration | 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 4 Hours |
About me:
I started playing Rocket League at the beginning of Season 4. About 5000 hours later i’m currently a Grand Champion player in every playlist.
I’m most known for inventing the Hel-jump, a mechanic that allows you to lift your car off the ground while keeping your flip. Some might also know me from Reddit or my Youtube channel.
Video games have always been a part of my life but the one game that really got me hooked was Rocket League. In my training sessions i will try to tell you all the useful things i wish someone told me when i was trying to rank up.
1. Why should I book you?
I’m an experienced player with around 5000 hours of playtime. Before i came to gamersrdy i was coaching a 3v3 team in the champ 1-2 range. I am very passionate about the game and really enjoy helping anyone that wants to learn something new or just improve in general. In the meantime i coached over 50 people on GamersRdy and got well over a 100 hours coaching experience from that.
2. What a regular session with me looks like:
- Replay analysis to find out where you need improvement
- Online or private games to find your weaknesses
- Guided training (With screenshare or in private games)
- A custom training routine to keep you improving after the coaching
If you already know what you want to work on or if you want to learn a specific mechanic we can adjust the coaching session to your needs.
3. Additional Information
Next to coaching i am constantly looking to improve myself. This means i spent a lot of time on analyzing replays, watching tutorials, going through training drills and so on. In my coaching sessions i will try to give you an insight on the most efficient methods to train while leaving the inefficient ones out.
My Ranks:
(Ranks might be higher or lower depending on how far the season has progressed and on how much i focus on ranked)
23 reviews for HelvetiaGaming
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Starting at $25

Starting at $40
Metafy is a gaming coaching platform and community, similar to GamersRdy but 1000 times better.
Yes, certainly. You can find my profile following the link above. If you can’t find me then there are other coaches available!
GamersRdy will continue to exist for now but all coaches are moving over to joining the Metafy community.
You can message for support on Metafy Discord.

Each Rocket League course is built with graphics, videos, clips, quizzes, training drills and more

Experienced Rocket League coaches available for 1 to 1 or team coaching sessions
★★★★★ 5/5
1800+ unique 5 star reviews by GamersRdy students since we launched in 2018

Max Helm (verified owner) –
Sehr gutes Coaching, kann ich nur weiterempfehlen.
Sehr freundliche Atmosphäre, gute Replay Analyse und gute Tipps um selbstständig zu üben.
Zachary Meyer (verified owner) –
Great coaching! Clear and concise instructions relative to your level and gameplay, instead of generic tips you can get anywhere.
10/10 would hire again
Jaylen Richard (verified owner) –
All I have to say is, he’s a great coach, and I recommend
Eli Kirkpatrick (verified owner) –
He was a perfect teacher. He explained everything to where I could understand. He knew everything I was doing wrong and told me how to not only fix it but how to train to improve on it. 10/10 recommend.
JazzyTurtle (verified owner) –
It’s been 2 weeks since my coaching session and I’ve since won my first tournament (Diamond) and I’m consistently staying in Diamond rank (which is my goal for this season as a plat player). The session lasted around 1hour and 25mins and as I had ordered the 2 hour package Helvetia said to just schedule the second hour after a couple of months so we can review my progress – I think this is a great method as it will allow us to review what I’ve successfully implemented into my game and what still needs work. Even more impressive is that Helvetia was actually under the impression that I had only purchased the 1 hour session so the fact that he went to 1 hour 25 just shows his commitment to making you a better player. Helvetia did a detailed analysis of two replays during which he pointed out my flaws and how to rectify them as well as jotting down notes for me to refer back to after the session. We also discussed certain mechanics, workshop maps, and training packs that I should train and work through based on my replays as well as answering any general questions that I might still have had.
He also provides a training routine, a collection of Rocket League videos/articles that he has found helpful as well as calling out particular videos that will further target my weaknesses. I’d really recommend Helvetia for anyone looking to get insight and direction from someone who clearly understands the game at an extremely high-level.
Attila (verified owner) –
Bereits zwei Trainings mit ihm gemacht. Beide Male super zufrieden, ruhiger Mensch, der sich Zeit nimmt und alles verständlich erklärt. Infos werden alle mitgegeben. Bin innerhalb von 5 Monaten von Diamond 1 auf Champion 2 hoch gekommen, nur dank seinen Tipps, obwohl ich sie nicht bis ins kleinste Detail befolgt habe. Nur weiterzuempfehlen.
Jonas Brand (verified owner) –
Ich mach die Rezension mal auf deutsch, weil wir das Coaching auch auf deutsch hatten.
Ich bin begeistert vom Coaching und dem ganzen Ablauf hier.
Hel hat mich gleich über Discord angeschrieben und wir hatten dann einen Termin ausgemacht.
Zur Vorbereitung hatte ich ihm 3 Replays über Discord gesendet. Die Anleitung dafür, hat er mir zuvor zur Verfügung gestellt.
Zuerst sind wir dann die Replays durchgegangen und er hat sich Notizen zu Themen gemacht, an denen ich arbeiten sollte. Daraufhin hat er mir genau darauf abgestimmt Trainings und Workshopmaps gezeigt und erklärt und gezeigt, wie ich diese gut nutze.
Um mir zu zeigen, wie schlecht mein kickoff ist, haben wir dann abschließend noch ein 1v1 gemacht.
Zum Abschluss habe ich ein Textdokumente mit der Trainingsroutine bekommen, in denen alles super zusammengefasst ist. Dieses habe ich mir ausgedruckt und es liegt jetzt am Rechner, damit ich schön dran bleibe.
Der Kontakt mit ihm ist super freundlich, flexibel und entspannt.
Ich freue mich darauf, wenn ich dann mechanisch besser geworden bin, wieder ein Coaching mit ihm zu machen.
Für meine beiden Teamkollegen im 3v3 habe ich direkt im Anschluss gleich auch jeweils 1 Stunde gebucht. Das sollte unser Team weiter bringen 🙂
Manuel Pirker (verified owner) –
The Coaching Session was really good. I ordered it for 1v1 since i always felt like having issues there especially in defense.
In my Replays he pointed out the small Mistakes im doing and gave me a few Tips.
We played 2 1v1 against each other and watched the Replay afterwards in his POV and he explained to me what i could´ve done better in certain Situations.
Overall this was a really Good Session and after working on the Things he pointed out im sure i can rank up a bit 🙂
sam sagnol (verified owner) –
Hel is such a good teacher. Before coaching i was silver 3 and now im gold 3
Yugen (verified owner) –
I went into this as a low C2 in 2s/3 as someone who has already coached 13 or so people from the RL coaching discord.
Hel helped me understand the weaknesses I was aware of and gave many examples on how to correct them. Even outlining points of concern in specific moments I had not addressed in my play prior.
No matter what rank you are you can’t undervalue the importance of getting a more experienced perspective, it will save you a lot of time and help you view your mistakes and possible solutions to correct them much more clearly.
I hope you take the initiative to book Hel for a coaching session, you will understand your own skill level and areas needed for improvement(plus how to correct them) much more clearly going forward if you make Hel your coach.
toyo83 (verified owner) –
The training with Hel was so great!
He is a really good coach. At first he asked, what i want to train.
We decided to do 2 replay-analysts….
He really know, what he is doing…. he told me, what I could make better.
He also said me, what I do good.
It was perfect for me.
In that one hour, I got so much input that I would never have received otherwise
He is a really nice smart guy.
It was very funny and instructive
I am looking forward to do take some more traininghours with him
sadiprose2 (verified owner) –
I Don’t have to say much at all im a c3 who he got me from 1394 to 1500 mmr in a space of 4 days of doing his training packs and tutorials and his advices. Also hes a top bloke and very knowledgeable.
Andre Mariluch (verified owner) –
Hel is a very patient coach. willing to put alot of time into improving your game as a player by reviewing your saved games before the session even starts, and making custom training packs and tutorials for you after the session is over. Hel is willing to go off script and answer a multitude of questions on the fly. I would recommend him for almost any skill level. for me he helped specifically with mechanics.
if you want to improve your game fundamentally, Hel is the coach for you.
James Ogilvie (verified owner) –
Hel is so helpful, he has helped improve so much already, he is one of those coaches that you can rely on to get feedback in the future and he won’t just leave you hanging after the session, 100% recommendation for him.
willharrison2016 (verified owner) –
Hel helped me a ton! I was plat 2 before our session and a week later I am now Diamond 2. I strongly suggest getting a coaching session with Hel!
Kapparov (verified owner) –
Coaching was super fun and helpful. Not only did Hel point out some mistakes that I didn´t notice before he also put together a training routine to help work on mechanical deficits. I feel a lot more solid using this routine before playing ranked and it shows in my games already.
The session started by going over some replays to point out mistakes/good things. Then we continued with some ways to practice mechanics efficiently. After that we played some 2v2´s.
After the session Hel sent me a document summing up everything we talked about and a document describing the training routine I could use. He asked me how much time I want to use for training before creating it and set up the routine accordingly.
5/5 going to book another session in a few weeks when I get stuck in a higher rank.
Ben Carter (verified owner) –
I’ll start by saying I was deliberating for a good few weeks about whether a coach would be useful or not. Turns out very useful.
Hel could break down every play and explain when I should challenge and why. Not only this but he helped me understand where I should be positioned to challenge. Being able to explain concisely how to better my challenging was extremely useful.
The benefits don’t just come from explaining challenging though. Every aspect of my game was critiqued and evaluated with suggestions on how to better improve. This includes but is not limited to: dribbling, positioning, passing, power shots, recovery etc.
Once all these aspects were analysed a few key things came out as major areas of focus. So I have a few key areas to progress for the most benefit but a whole host of tips for the rest of my game.
In addition to this plethora of knowledge, he provided plenty of resources to supplement the training.
Overall, Hel is a great coach and a great guy. I didn’t expect to benefit as much as I have from 1 hour.
1 key aspect isolated was momentum. Whilst keeping this in mind, after the session I jumped from diamond 3 div 1 to champ 1 div 2.
Can’t thank Hel enough and I’m sure my play will continue to progress at a faster rate thanks to his exceptional coaching
Tom Böcherer (verified owner) –
I really liked the Hour because he had much information for me and that is one of the things that let me recommend him, also what I really like is the training plan he gave me with plenty of different trainings and workshops maps.
And that are just 2 things why I would recommend
Deepal Nadar (verified owner) –
My hour with Hel was worth every cent! We went through all aspects of my gameplay and he pointed out not only what I was weak in but also my strengths!
I really enjoyed my time. Who knew coaching could be this fun?? I’m working on a training plan that Hel gave me before I go back for another session with him. 10/10 would learn from again!
Mazzilliblaze (verified owner) –
Hel did a great job going in depth with me about rotations and positioning and sent me plenty of videos so I could correct myself.
epiconmaster360 (verified owner) –
Great help and friendly personality. Helvita helped me get from bronze to diamond I recommend 110%
rothmeiertobias (verified owner) –
What should I say guys..I booked this hour as a Snow Day player in the hope that he could teach me some new mechanics like the puck pinch or ceiling passes, shots and all that stuff…and yeah that guy definitely knows what he is doing and talking about. He is a determined, ambitious and hardworking Rocket League player who started `from the bottom´ and made his way till the professional Rocket League scene. He created a perfect training plan in order to improve my skills and mechanics and showed me that hard work can even pay off in Rocket League. Talent is not everything 😉 If you consider booking him for Snow Day or normal ball mode, just go for it. He´s a really nice, polite and patient guy who knows how to deal with his students. For me, personally, he´s not just a coach, but also becomes a good friend of mine due to his positive and grounded nature. I wish him all the best!
Hotzenmonster (verified owner) –
I was so happy to be Helvetia’s first gamersrdy student and WOW what an amazing session. He contacted me to schedule and asked me what I wanted to improve on and I explained that dribbling was a skill I had not yet mastered. We went over a replay from my league play and he was able to identify weaknesses immediately. Then we played a few games and he was again able to spot areas I needed to improve in, as well as call out moments where I had room to gain control and attempt a dribble. Finally he provided me with custom training packs and a short list of things to keep next to my monitor to remind me of what i needed to work on. I can already see the improvement in my game and am about to hit Champ after being a Plat 3 all last season. I would HIGHLY recommend Helvetia to people looking to improve ball control and their overall game.