
(19 customer reviews)

About me:
My name is Liam “Cha0s” De Cuypere and I’m a 21 year old Player and Caster from Belgium. I have have been in the Rocket League scene since the game came out on PlayStation 4 back in 2015. Since then, I have enjoyed this game to the fullest and tried my best to become the best player I can be. I’ve reached the rank of Grand Champion since season 6 and peaked up until now at about 1950 rating. Ever since I became Grand Champion, I became more and more involved in the competitive scene in the BeNeLux (Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg).  I’ve competed in multiple LAN-events and also started casting at the end of 2017.

My experience:
I started coaching back in 2017 where I did replay analysis for the organisation Game Fist, the first ever organisation I had been a part of. Their team won the ESL BeNeLux finals in November of 2017 and took home a grand total of 1750 euros. My Rocket League career has been full of variation. I love playing, competing and casting very high skilled matches. I’ve also been involved in numerous unofficial coaching for players and teams. From 2019 on, I started focussing mainly on coaching. My carreer started in RLCS 9 where a was a part of The Three Sins (valtsssv, matix and PJ). A very interesting and enriching experience where we managed to get top4 in the SAM regionals. After that season I looked to expand my view and chose to join the OCE team Ground Zero Gaming consisting of Julz, Express and SPYDOGE. We worked on a lot of things and improved quite a bit. We managed to pull a 5-6th placement in the RLO Grand Slam. My latest notable team was Triple Trouble, then consisting of Tadpole, Calix and Bluey. I coached them throughout the Fall Split of RLCS X and ending our run with a 5-8th placement in the Fall Major (I have the RLCS X Major Elite title).

Video replay analysis:
But enough about me, the reason you came to this website is because YOU want to improve. This goes from mechanical to more in-depth playstyle and decision-making. Whatever your issue is, I will provide you with as many tips and tricks, as well as training tips and advice, as I possibly can. If you still have any specific questions after watching the video made for you, feel free to message me and ask away!

So what can you expect from a video?

  • I will cover the whole replay and pause to explain certain issues or dilemmas. (for example Boost or Ball)
  • After the replay, I will further analyse the stats of the game myself and provide you with small goals to achieve.
  • Lastly, those small goals will have to be obtained through many hours and games, some may take longer to achieve than others. It’s for a player, once they achieved these small goals, to keep looking for small errors in their own playstyle, so they can keep improving.

Why hire me:
If you need any help understanding, learning and improving your own playstyle, skills or game knowledge, having a person watching over your games can be of big help since you mostly don’t see half of the mistakes you make while playing. Therefore having a coach that has plenty of experience playing and watching high-tier games, is exactly the kind of help you need to reach higher and beyond what you thought were your limits. See you on the pitch!

A small showcase of my skill-level:


English, Dutch



Playlist Strengths

2v2 Doubles, 3v3 Standard

Coach Rank

Supersonic Legend


RLCS Elite

Coaching Experience

200 – 999 Hours

Hours Played




19 reviews for Cha0s

  1. Timo Cuijpers (verified owner)

    Super nice guy, can explain very well, was very clear and gives great examples.

  2. Thomas Gauvreau (verified owner)

    Best coach you can have tbh. He take time to explain you every little thing your doing wrong and always answer every question. 🙂

  3. Benjamin Hancock (verified owner)

    Cha0s was a great coach during the session! I was feeling a little stuck, not really knowing how to move forward and get better. He pointed out a handful of thing that I need to work on,things that I didn’t notice. He took his time going though each detail. I am very hopeful, that if i work on the things i need to ill be able to get Grandchamp!

  4. Ay Ricky (verified owner)

    Very insightful coach, he brought things to the table I would have never thought of alone. He was able to quickly pick up on any mistakes I made in the replays I provided and explained what I should have done in real time.

  5. Eric Genné (verified owner)

    Very friendly dude, helpful and shows u what he would of done in the situation. Also after ure session u can still ask him questions.

  6. Meloettar (verified owner)

    Chill guy and he saw exactly what I needed to improve on! Very informative session, definetly highly recommended!

  7. yelle schraepen (verified owner)

    Very nice and chill guy! I finally know how this game works, how to keep your boost and how to rotate, was 1530mmr and hitted 1600 in notime! Great coach!

  8. Jonathan Dixon (verified owner)

    Chill, down to earth guy who also makes intelligent and thoughtful critiques of your gameplay. Any player below GC can learn something from what he has to give.

  9. mikaelnagy94 (verified owner)

    The coaching helped me a lot with things I didn’t even know I was doing wrong! A great coach and a really nice guy. He will most certainly improve your understanding of the game and help you improve!

  10. Sebastian Haydn (verified owner)

    Very nice guy!
    Gave me really good advice for rotation, boost management and decision making.
    Already improved a lot! I would recommend him 100%.

  11. Natchawan Serisamran (verified owner)

    you are awesome and i see more of my mistake now and i will work on it

  12. Giuglio Lutz (verified owner)

    Very Nice guy, really enjoyd the training session. He takes his time to show u everything.

  13. Moritz Rast (verified owner)

    Great job with the replay analysis helped me alot to improve my gamespeed, rotation and decision making.
    Good coach and a nice guy.
    Truely recommanded

  14. ardvandermarel (verified owner)

    Good gameplay analyze with tips and excerizes to improve some parts of my gameplay. verry good coach.

  15. sallanson7 (verified owner)

    One session and I’ve already ranked up a tier! Explains everything in a very concise and organized manner. Highly recommend!

  16. spychris3556 (verified owner)

    Explained everything in an easy to understand manner, gave me a good idea of what I’m lacking and how to fix it! Would highly recommend!

  17. Nils Nestler (verified owner)

    Helped me a lot with boost management and when to go to 50/50
    very nice guy and a very good coach

  18. Ishockxas (verified owner)

    Really great coach he points out all the little things you can do that can take you to the next level totaly recommend

  19. timbowilliams (verified owner)

    Brilliant coach, nice guy 100% recommend him.

Only logged in customers who have purchased this product may leave a review.


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