Team Coaching

Team Coaching is one of the best ways to take you and your friends to higher levels. This is what Rocket League is all about: team play. If you’re on PC, Xbox, PS4 or Nintendo, you can book sessions to get quality feedback and analysis on how your team plays together and start to truly compete in tournaments and leagues.

Gifting to a friend?

Buy any coach or course for a friend or family using Gift Card Voucher

Not sure who to pick?

Struggling to decide on a coach? Tell us your rank and timezone and we’ll help.

Join our Discord server and message in the #Support channel or email us.

Note: Cross-Platform is part of Rocket League, so even if you’re on Xbox One, PS4 or Switch, you can still have a coaching session with a PC coach.


Since 2018 we have received 2100+ unique 5 star reviews for our courses and coaching