Ever since Rocket League went free to play back in September 2020, we’ve seen a huge influx of new players, with the vast majority sticking around.
With millions of new players, it was inevitable that the rank distribution charts would change.
Thanks to Devin from Psyonix for once again posting the raw data for the distribution charts, we’ve been able to design these new graphics to show you the MMR rank distribution charts.
We’ve also included percentile charts to see what ‘top’ percentage you’re in, based on your rank for 3v3 Standard, 2v2 Doubles and 1v1 Solo Duel.
Here’s the data:
3v3 Standard – Rank Distribution Charts (Season 2)
3v3 Standard Percentile Chart:
If you need help to rank up in 3v3 Standard then consider booking a coaching session or signing up to a course.
2v2 Doubles – Rank Distribution Charts (Season 2)
2v2 Doubles Percentile Chart:
If you need help to rank up in 2v2 Doubles then consider booking a coaching session or signing up to a course.
1v1 Solo Duel – Rank Distribution Charts (Season 2)
1v1 Solo Duel Percentile Chart:
If you need help to rank up in 1v1 Duel then consider booking a coaching session or signing up to a course.
Do you want to rank up further?
There are plenty of ways that you can rank up – that’s the whole purpose of GamersRdy, so here are a few resources to get you started:
- Read our guides to ranking up
- Book a personal coaching session
- Enroll in our courses for specific areas in the game
- Join us on Discord and take part in our community events and tournaments
Oh and if you’re looking for something a bit different then try out Rumble, Dropshot, Hoops and Snow Day. They also have ranks and are a super fun variation of the game.
Good luck for next season!