AlexKF has once again helpfully designed these charts to show us the most recent rank distribution for Season 12. All competitive playlists are below and give us a good idea for what 2020 will look like in terms of rank distribution.
The latest Rocket League rank distributions for Season 12 (August to December 2019) have been published over on Reddit. Like we did in the season 11 rank distribution, we thought it would be helpful to break them down and design them as charts and graphs to help understand what’s going on a little better. You might even be tempted to flick between last season and this season to compare where you’re at.
You can also see Season 13 more recent updated data and charts.
Here’s the data:
(3v3) Season 12 Standard Chart

If you need a coach to help you get better at 3v3 Standard then click here.
(2v2) Season 12 Doubles chart

If you need a coach to help you get better at 2v2 Duel then click here.
(1v1) Season 12 Solo Duel chart

If you need a coach to help you get better at 1v1 Solo Duel then click here.
(3v3) Season 12 Solo Standard chart

If you need a coach to help you get better at 3v3 Solo Standard then click here.
Want to rank up?
If you like to see progress in your own ability and ranks the check out the GamersRdy coaches, our resources and guides or join us on Discord for some extra tips!
Here are some links to find coaches based on their speciality. Here are the (3v3) Standard coaches, (2v2) Doubles coaches, (1v1) Solo Duel coaches and the (3v3) Solo Standard coaches.
If you’re looking for something a bit different then try out Rumble, Dropshot, Hoops and Snow Day. They also have ranks and are a super fun variation of the game.
Good luck for Season 13 in 2020.