In this article, GamersRdy founder AlexKF explains the difference between 1 to 1 Coaching and Video Replay Analysis so that you can get the most out of the services offered by our coaches.
If you’re considering booking a Rocket League coaching session, how do you decide what service to go for?
You might be on the fence as there are benefits to each side. I’m sure you’d want to understand as much as possible before you make your decision. I have put together this simple guide to help you understand what is most suited to your needs.
First things first. Let’s make sure we’re all on the same page with some definitions.
What is Live 1 to 1 Coaching?
A live 1 to 1 coaching session is a private and interactive call (usually through an application like Discord) between two people: the student and the coach.
The session usually involves playing some games, jumping into freeplay, questions & answers, replay analysis, discussion on strategies, mechanics and rotations. Sometimes the student even gets some homework from the coach.
What is Video Replay Analysis?
As the name suggests, the video replay analysis involves the student sending over a video (or replay file) of a match. The coach will then analyse the students match and talk over while giving feedback about the match and send a recorded video back to the student.
Sometimes the coach will draw over the screen, but they will always explain what went well and what could do with improving, as well as practical actions to take to help to improve.
Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s dig into the main differences.
Interaction & feedback
One of the greatest benefits that a student will get from a live coaching session is the ability to ask questions. These answers will then be answered right away. This is both faster and more spontaneous compared to watching a video of a coach analysing your match.
Of course, you can ask questions before and after a video analysis in chat, but that is also the case for a live session too. It’s safe to say that, during a call, it’s going to be easier for both parties.
Winner: Live 1 to 1 Coaching
Pricing options
Whilst both coaching versions are similarly priced, the video replay analysis is usually slightly cheaper.
This is mainly because there is greater flexibility with when the coach can review the match as there is no planning required to both be online and available at the same time.
Winner: Replay Analysis
Ease of learning
With a video you have the benefit of being able to watch it over and over again. You can pause, rewind, test something out, go back, come back to it a few hours later and so on. With a live session (other than if the coach allows you to record it or provides notes) you don’t have that same advantage.
Ultimately, this one comes down to your personality. Do you prefer to jump into a call, talk things through, ask questions and try things out with the coach? Go for Live 1 to 1 Coaching.
If you had a specific match you couldn’t quite work out what happened or if you’re not wanting to be interacting live with the coach then a Video Replay Analysis is for you.
Winner: Draw
Preparation Required
There is something quite straightforward about sending a .replay file to a coach to have it analysed and sent back to you after a few days. Compare this to finding and committing to a date and time for a 1- or even 2-hour session, which could be more tricky.
Whichever option you pick, it does boil down to how well you’ve done your research. If you know what time you’ll be available then it’s simple enough to book a coaching session and hop into the call the next day. No need to decide which replay to send or even worse, if you’re on different platforms having to record your gameplay.
Winner: Live 1 to 1 Coaching
Platform Compatibility
Some coaches do ask for replays to be sent over, so check if you’re on the same platform as the coach to avoid needing to record your screen.
Generally speaking, thanks to the recently added Rocket ID, all platforms are compatible to be coached on and play together in private, casual or ranked matches. The only problem is sharing replay files, so it’s probably going to be easier to get going with a Live 1 to 1 Coaching session.
Winner: Live 1 to 1 Coaching
Time & Availability
There is no doubt that sending a replay file (on PC, recorded video clips for consoles) and not needing to be available at any specific time is much easier to manage.
This doesn’t ignore the fact that most coaches are incredibly flexible and are always available to work around your schedule, but other than waiting a few days, having a video sent back to you is going to be very easy, and consequently very flexible.
Winner: Video Replay Analysis
So who is the winner?
Well, this might be a slight cop-out but it does depend on how you learn best. We asked a couple of our coaches who offer both services for their opinions:
‘It might sound obvious, but during a live session, the coach is there with you to help you improve and answer questions in real time. In a replay analysis, it’s a pre-recorded session which means their no real-time interaction between you and the coach’
MooseTDI (Coaching since November 2018)
‘In 1 on 1s, we can go over mechanics and rotations. In replay analysis, it’s positioning and what to do in specific scenarios’
HyperFirez (Coaching since October 2018)
My personal suggestion is to start with a Live 1 to 1 Coaching session because this will give you an opportunity to ask plenty of questions, and truly get to grips with how you can improve your game.
Then once you start winning more it might be worth trying a video replay analysis session to get a deeper understanding as to how you’re losing matches you didn’t think you should have lost.
Whichever route you take, remember that coaching is here to enhance your gaming experience, not to dominate it. It should help it become more enjoyable, more fun and hopefully lead you to join teams and even compete in tournaments one day.